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group formation 【軍事】大隊編隊(飛行)。

group insurance

The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can accomplish the multilevel group formation in real time with lower calculation complexity , and better performance can be achieved in the situation assessment for space group formation 仿真結果表明,所提算法能實時完成多個級別的空間合群融合,其計算復雜度也比較低,而且在空間合群的態勢評估中獲得了比較好的結果。

The property similarities , i . e . attribute similarity , position similarity and velocity similarity , were defined by the information obtained from fusion at level 1 , and all were re - fused to calculate the result of group formation 該算法通過一級融合獲得的信息來定義特征相似度,即歸屬相似度、位置相似度和速度相似度,并將這些相似度再次融合以求得合群結果。

The following is a set of suggestions which may help in group formation . they are offered as suggestions , no more ; a group will work towards its own practices and norms 下面的一些建議在團隊結構上會有一定的幫助。這僅僅是建議,因為每個組織都有各自不同的實際情況和標準。

It is this synergy which makes group work attractive in corporate organization despite the possible problems ( and time spent ) in group formation 拋開團隊工作中可能遇到的問題(和消耗的時間) ,在公司組織結構中團隊工作由于團隊配合的高效率而得到人們的青睞。

In order to solve the problems of space group formation and event detection in battlefield , a novel group formation algorithm for maneuvering target was proposed 摘要為了解決空間合群和戰場中的事件檢測問題,提出了一種新的機動目標的空間群生成算法。

A matrix element representation of angular momentum operator under so group formation 群構造下角動量算符的矩陣元表示

6170 conduct pilot projects in marketing and group formation 6170開展銷售和集體協作方面的示范項目